Call for Entries: Lessedra Mini Print 2016, Bulgaria, by 15 March

Call for entries to 15th Lessedra World Art Print Annual – MINI PRINT 2016 
This is an international print annual 

No art form has broader implications in contemporary society than that of the print. 
The aim is to gather and exhibit contemporary art print works from all over the world 
and to contribute to the contacts and the exchange between artists, art lovers and collectors 
and to stimulate the research into paper, inks, and other materials used in printmaking.

Judges Karin Byrne and Briar Craig at Lessedra Gallery

Each artist should send no more than 3 works: original prints, created in 2015/2016. 
Entries may feature any type of method of printmaking, signed and numbered by the artist. 
The maximum dimensions of a work are 29x23cm (paper size).

First Prize is USD 500, with purchase of works by additional agreement
and invitation for a solo presentation of the artist in conjunction with the next annual exhibition.

For more information, click here to see the Lessedra Mini Pint website
