Woodblock Workshop, 19-20 Nov, Wellington

Sheyne Tuffery is teaching a 2-day woodblock workshop
at Hutt Arts Society in Wellington

on Saturday & Sunday 19-20 November from 10.30am-3.30pm
Cost $195, includes all materials.

To register click here to email Sheyne Tuffery
or click here to see his website for other contact details.

A group of prints by Sheyne Tuffery

In this workshop you will make contrasting dynamic prints using methods of tradition, 
experimentation and handy shortcuts in colour and black & white.

It will be a hands-on demonstration into the world of woodblock printmaking 
including the rules and process of the print studio, from the idea to the finished print.

Beginning by making background mosaic patterned prints from printing one single block 
 then printing a silhouette block over the top of that. 
It is a great way to go through the whole process of printing so you get a feel for it,
 then you can elaborate and experiment as much as you like.

Sheyne Tuffery, 2006

The workshop includes chisel techniques, shortcuts, 
positive / negative space, using background and foreground,
key blocks, relief printing techniques, rolling ink, using the press, registration, 
reduction printing, making clean prints, print etiquette and studio care.
These workshops use water-based inks 
which is easy on clean up and friendly on the environment.

All the materials will be provided 
including the press, inks, chisells, paper, rollers, newsprint and custom wood.
You will only need a pencil, old shirt and some ideas for images.

The best thing about this workshop is that you will walk away 
with a folio of great hand made prints to hang on your wall 
or give away to your friends and family.
