Robin White Talk, 1 December, Featherston

Just a quick note to let you know that there is a talk by Robin White
at 7.30pm on next Thursday 1 December,
hosted by the Featherstone Community Centre
(14 Wakefield St, Featherston).

Robin White is a well-recognised NZ artist.
She will be talking about one of her painting, titled Summer Grass
which has 12 panels and is 6m long!
It was inspired by the history of the Featherston POW camp.

Robin White, Summer Grass.

Although not specifically talking about printmaking,
I'm sure most of you will be familiar with her work.

This talk is open to anyone interested,
entry is by gold coin donation.


tourwithme said…
This was a most inspirational artist talk. I was absolutely delighted that I saw the little ad in our local paper. To hear Robin talk about the inspiration behind all her art, her research and then the subsequent evolution of her remarkable pieces was such a pleasure. The story behind "Summer Grass" is a fascinating piece of our local history. We also heard about the recent trip to the Kermadecs and the three huge tapas which are Robin's response to that amazing trip. I can't wait to get to Tauranga to see the exhibition Kermadec and the response all eight artists have made about that voyage. This is significant New Zealand art. Barb Roydhouse