Jacquard Products in USA just released a new product called SolarFast in August.
It’s an easy-to-use, light-sensitive dye that can be applied to fabric or paper
to create photograms, continuous tone photographs, shadow prints, etc.
to create photograms, continuous tone photographs, shadow prints, etc.
This would be a great product for textiles and for teaching,
as images can be exposed directly onto the paper/wood/fabric
without the need to print through a screen.
Great for those who want textile prints without access to equipment,
or for workshops with children and artists!
As the product has only just been released a month ago in USA,
I haven't been able to find suppliers yet
but I'll keep you informed and perhaps we can play with it here in NZ soon.
Check out these ultra-cheesey promo videos that show you how it works:
I can't wait to get my hands on some to make some prints!
Any of you interested??
100 Golden Yellow | 104 Red | 108 Teal | 112 Brown | ||||
101 Orange | 105 Violet | 109 Green | 113 Black | ||||
102 Burnt Orange | 106 Purple | 110 Avocado | |||||
103 Scarlet | 107 Blue | 111 Sepia |