Those of you who like combining printmaking with making books might be interested in this:
The Grimsby Public Art Gallery in Ontario, Canada, is excited to announce
an open call for submission of print works
for the special 35th Anniversary 2013 Wayzgoose Anthology Vol II.
The Grimsby Wayzgoose is a one-day festival held annually in April to celebrate the books arts.
Private press printers, printmakers in all media, book binders, papermakers and related artists
gather at the Grimsby Public Art Gallery to celebrate the art of the hand-made book.
Each year the gallery also publishes an anthology of signatures submitted by participants.
To celebrate Wayzgoose’s 35th anniversary, the gallery is publishing a special two-volume anthology
in an edition of 135 that will showcase and celebrate print media and the books arts internationally.
Grimsby Public Art Gallery are accepting submissions for Wayzgoose Anthology 2013 Vol II
from printmakers, private presses, and other print media artists for inclusion in the anthology.
The work may be a collaboration or individual work.
A completed entry form, sample of work and $10 non-refundable entry fee
should be received by the gallery no later than 5pm on 16 November 2012.
The theme for submitted works is the artists’ sense of place in the world,
which will provide the anthology with a panoramic perspective on the world and people around us.
Your work must measure 8 ½ x 5 ½ inches and accommodate binding in size and folding.
Signatures may be between four and eight pages long,
and we require the first 135 copies for the anthology.
The hand of the artist must be visible in each signature,
whether it be hand-set type, hand-made paper or hand-printed artworks.
For more information or to download an entry form click here for Grimsby Art Gallery's website.