Mixed Media Printmaking Courses, Term 1, Wellington

If you live in the Wellington area and love printmaking, 
you should check out Basia Smolnicki's Printmaking courses at Inverlochy Art School.
In Term 1 she is teaching Printmaking and Mixed Media on Wednesdays,
and you can choose either a 10am-1pm or 6.30-9pm class.

Discover the multiplicity of printmaking with the freedom to print on any found paper 
combining collage, drawing and other painting media. 
Learn the basics of some very easy printmaking techniques 
such as monotype, stencils, collagraph, relief printing and dry point etching 
while experimenting and using water-based and non-toxic soy-based printing inks. 

Focus on colour, texture, content and ideas 
to incorporate finished prints into mixed-media art.
Ideal for beginners or printmakers with experience.

For more information on booking, ring Inverlochy Art School NOW!
(Ph 04 939 2178)
