Lynn Taylor, from Dunedin, sent me info about a gelatine printing workshop
she taught on 1 June at ‘The Woolshed’ (Kathy Boyle’s studio) in Napier.
I've never tried it before but it sounds very interesting!
From what I've read, it seems like a combination of monoprinting & collagraph,
in which a gelatin slab is used as a printing plate.
Lynn says it is an accessible and flexible way to create images.
While resolved images can be achieved,
Lynn prefers to approach the medium as a drawing process
as once you are underway so many possibilities can be explored.
In Napier, the ten participants worked intensively for four hours,
printing on a multitude of papers & fabrics with acrylic paint and textile inks.
Another workshop is scheduled to be held in Dunedin on 25 June.
Contact Lynn if you want to register for the Dunedin workshop
or you can read more about the process here on Lynn's Blog.