The James Wallace Arts Trust Award 2011
are given for contemporary NZ painting, sculpture, drawing, video and unique photography,
are given for contemporary NZ painting, sculpture, drawing, video and unique photography,
with the aim of encouraging the visual arts in New Zealand
and to reward those producing outstanding work with residencies and educational grants.
With approx $165,000 in prizes up for grabs, with 8 awards, it is definitely worth a look...
With approx $165,000 in prizes up for grabs, with 8 awards, it is definitely worth a look...
Entrants must be New Zealand Citizens or permanent residents of New Zealand.
Applicants may submit one entry only in the Wallace Art Awards.
Entries are invited from the disciplines of painting,
Entrants must be New Zealand Citizens or permanent residents of New Zealand.
Applicants may submit one entry only in the Wallace Art Awards.
Entries are invited from the disciplines of painting,
unique photography (digital and traditional), mixed media, drawing,
video (submitted on DVD) and sculpture in different media including assemblages.
Specifically excluded are performance, sound
and other new media art works (ie digital prints).
The Applicant must guarantee the work is a one-off original and not of an edition,
and other new media art works (ie digital prints).
The Applicant must guarantee the work is a one-off original and not of an edition,
and that it was executed by the Applicant in the 12-month period prior to 11th August 2011.
Entries must not have been exhibited in a public exhibition.
(see the website for more details)
Entries must not have been exhibited in a public exhibition.
(see the website for more details)
Emma McLellan, Chimera Series XII Screenprint & paint on panel, 20x20cm |
Although they specifically 'exclude' anything that could be editioned,
many of you printmakers are making 'unique' prints that are not editioned,
and/or working with 'mixed media' and assemblage.
and/or working with 'mixed media' and assemblage.
I know of printmakers who have previously been accepted
for the Wallace Arts Trust Awards with print works,
so don't be deterred by it's criteria omitting to mention printmaking -for the Wallace Arts Trust Awards with print works,
I encourage you to consider entering your 'unique prints'!