West Auckland Print Group

Ruby Oakley is seeking interest from people with some experience in printmaking
to form a group to work & grow together at Corbans Estate, Henderson.
Probably meet once a month, on a Saturday or Sunday.
The first group event is planned for 12-5pm this Saturday 12 March.
At present time cost is free to join the group.

The aim of the group is to bring together those interested in printmaking;
to provide time & space to actually do some printing in our busy schedules,
to share knowledge & ideas,
promote printmaking in the Waitakere region,
to utilise the press at Corbans Estate,
hopefully to hold an annual exhibition to showcase printmaking,
to help secure further funding for future exhibition, tutoring, purchase equipment, materials, etc

She has secured a small amount of funding from the Creative Communities scheme
to pay for room/ press hire, some basic equipment,
& essential materials like some rollers, water baths, inks, cartridge & newsprint.

At present facilities available are limited, so suggest processes such as
 lino/wood, photo polymer plate, collograph, drypoint, monoprinting, etc 
You may wish to print further from plates you already have or produce new plates.

As this is the first group, it will be experimental as to how it is run 
and best times or dates for future events can be worked out on the day.

If you are interested and would like to know more,
email Ruby Oakley at ruby.red.moon@gmail.com
or call 09 8369621 or 021 233 9726
